Harvesting water with a butt

Water is required for all life and is a very precious resource, yet in the maritime climate of Britain and Ireland it’s something we often take for granted, I mean, it rains all the time doesn’t it? Well, it doesn’t and rainfall levels vary immensely, the west coast of Ireland receives approximately half as much rain again as places on the east coast. The water that comes out of your tap, whether from well, spring or mains, has needed energy to transport and purify it and that energy is usually derived from fossil fuels. In addition the effects of climate change have disturbed rainfall patterns, we are increasingly seeing dry springs, summer droughts and more intense torrential downpours. So we cannot rely on a steady supply of water, even in Ireland!

So with all of that in mind it makes sense for us to harvest rainfall for use in the garden, it’s crazy to use purified water for watering your plants – and they don’t like it either. This means you need a water butt, or ideally, water butts. When it comes to rainfall harvesting bigger is almost always better, you’ll be amazed how quickly you can drain a large water butt (300 litre) in a hot, dry spell. They can also fill very quickly, we had a slim 100 litre wall-mounted butt that could fill from empty in 10 minutes during a heavy rainstorm.

Where able site your butts next to every gutter downpipe to collect as much as you can, if that’s not possible or practical then either get a very large butt or a series of butts linked together. You can get butts of 1000 litres or more that sit above ground, though some of those aren’t easy on the eye and are best saved for a quiet corner or in a place where you disguise them – grow a climbing plant up them for instance. There are some very big tanks that you can site underground (3000 litres), so if you’re thinking of having a patio laid or some decking, then you can bury one of these underneath. You’ll then need to pump the water out which can be via mains or solar power or a mechanical pump if you’re feeling very energetic!

You also need to think about where you’re going to use the water and how you’re going to transport it, though realistically it’s going to be close to a downpipe unless you’re skilled at making aqueducts. Many gardeners have a butt next to their shed or greenhouse that has a removable lid and wide opening so that they can quickly dip their watering can in. If you can mount your butt high enough (safely as they’re very heavy when full) so that you can attach a hose to it and water your plants with ease. Most though will be on a stand that you place a watering can underneath to be filled by a tap, it’s a bit slower but it does teach you to value your water when you have to carry it around the garden.

In the winter you’ll usually find that your butts are full and the excess water goes down the drain, so instead of watering your plants you can use it to wash your car or even flush the toilet if you put it in a bucket – why use purified water to flush a toilet!

Butts come in all shapes and sizes with some designed to be disguised as a garden feature, they also fit a range of budgets and increasingly they’re being made from recycled plastic. Installing them is straightforward and can be fitted by a DIYer, if you don’t feel confident then a handyman will be happy to do it for you.

What are you waiting for? Get off your butt and get a butt


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