garden, waste Damian Nicholls garden, waste Damian Nicholls

Using wood ash in your garden

Find out how to take your waste wood ash from your fire and use it in your garden

We hate waste and will try to avoid putting things in the bin wherever we can. At this time of year lots of people will be lighting fires in the home to keep warm, if you’re burning wood only and not coal then you can use your ash. Wood ash contains potassium and phosphorous which is needed by plants for flowering and fruiting, plus other trace elements. If you have a slightly acidic soil then it can be used in place of lime to bring the pH up, as wood ash is alkaline. For that reason you should avoid putting it around plants that like acid soil like blueberries, camellias and some fruit trees, you should also keep it away from your spuds as it can encourage scab.

The others will love it though and you can sprinkle a thin layer around your plants and on your veg beds. A little goes a long way and you may find you still have some left, in which case you can add it your compost heap. Not only will it add nutrients but heaps tend to be slightly acidic and ash balances out the pH of your heap (the same goes for manure, which is also slightly acidic). Just add a little at a time as you’re putting material in there. You can then take satisfaction from knowing that you’ve taken a waste product and used it as a valuable fertiliser to make your garden better.

You might not be sure what the pH of your soil is, but it’s certainly worth finding out as some plants won’t grow well in acid or alkaline soils. You can get tests to find out or if you’re not sure about it get in touch with us, we test the pH at different points in your garden when we come and do a site survey and consultation.

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